Exit Planning

Family business succession strategy – communication is the key

06/10/16 - Exit Planning, Family Business

In over thirty years advising family businesses, the most successful succession plans I’ve seen have been the ones where there was solid stakeholder engagement – in other words – good communication within the family. Even if you think everyone is aware of what is going on and generally on the same page, don’t leave things to chance for people to fill in the blank spaces. Fill them in for them.

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What are the main barriers to effective succession?

06/10/16 - Exit Planning

I’m often intrigued when I read in the press about rather large family-owned businesses which are impacted by family and succession issues. These disputes are nothing new so why is it that they seem to raise their heads time again.

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Beginning at the end…9 step process for achieving your exit plan

06/10/16 - Exit Planning

In business management guru, Stephen Covey’s, best-selling book, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, beginning with the end in mind was a top habit of his. This got me thinking. Why is it that so many business owners don’t have a clear picture of what they want their business to look like when it’s ‘done’?

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Railroad tracks at sunset